// Simple System. Safer People.

Integrated HSE and Contractor Management System at Your Fingertips

// BP Bytes

Safety Management

Our safety system is designed to capture all events across the business ensuring incidents, injuries or emergencies are recorded, actioned and reviewed with a consistent and robust process.  We concentrate on three critical types of reporting:

// BP Bytes

Hazard Reporting

We know how important hazard reporting is as a first line of defence in identifying and correcting potential risks before they become incidents.  Our system is designed to make that process simple, logical and intuitive for your entire team, encouraging the identification and reporting of hazards.

// BP Bytes

Event Reporting

When a safety event happens, immediate notifications, actions and processes need to be followed, whether it’s an illness, complaint or injury.  Our event reporting module is comprehensive, supporting your safety management system every step of the way.

// BP Bytes

Safety Observations

Safety observation reporting is a powerful preventative tool, helping your team identify at risk behaviour and take ownership of their own well-being and that of the team members around them.  Our safety observation module ensures it is quick, easy and effective with lead indicators visible on one single dashboard.

// BP Bytes

Audit and Inspection

Regulatory auditing, scheduled inspections and workplace monitoring is an important part of continuous improvement and safety legislation.  Our Audit and Inspection module provides unlimited flexibility to manage and monitor your systems, tools, processes and equipment.

// BP Bytes

Contractor and Workforce Compliance

We make complex contractor and workforce compliance simple with pre-start, on the job and monitoring post-job reviews in one easy to use module.  Access portals for vendors and their workers enables self-management of compliance activities and collaborative and secure document sharing.

// BP Bytes

Site Check In/Out

Our location-based check in/out module uses modern geofencing technology to deliver hassle free monitoring of site entry.  Check in success is reliant on real time compliance status and monitoring registers provide holistic visibility of site attendance across all sites.

// BP Bytes

Our Clients and Partners

// our clients, our family

See What Our Customers Are Saying

Emilia Clarke
Alanna Ong
Stonebridge Property Group
We switched up the system after we met with the guys from BP Bytes as they had a great program ready to go out of the box. We elected to have some customisation, which was affordable in comparison to the alternatives, and they work for us beautifully. Always adding features, we have taken hold of the App to introduce reporting to our teams so we can implement a reporting culture and spend more time addressing issues actively, using the reports to look for trends proactively.
Emilia Clarke
Jessica Doak
Junction Fair Shopping Centre
We engaged BP Bytes for consolidating our safety and contractor management systems. Some were online, some were on spreadsheets, and others were on paper. We now have an easy-to-use Incident Reporting and Contractor Management system that has saved us time and money and improved our safety compliance and reporting ability. A friendly team and a system that’s simple to use.
Emilia Clarke
Karim Khayat
The BP Bytes application has optimized our business operations and contractor compliance. Our business model constantly relies on working with certified contractors, and we need to ensure all of them have the required training before allowing them to start work. The application has not only made that process easier but also helps us track on site performance, allowing us to know how well everyone follows regulatory requirements. Easily the best for this type of work.
Emilia Clarke
The BP Bytes team has developed a comprehensive application, and they are also very helpful. My favourite part of the app is that it integrates several compliance-related functions altogether so I need to only click a few things to get the information I need. Our reaction time and reporting have become significantly quicker, and we are in a better position to respond to any incidents that happen on site. I would recommend this application to anyone whose job requires them to work with compliance, regulation, and incident reporting.
// BP Bytes


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